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How mental health affects daily life & 4 ultimate ways to keep track of it.

It's World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October, and the theme for 2021 is "Mental Health in an unequal world". After the pandemic, mental health support accessibility has been improved as well as deteriorated. Wait! Let me explain how, as we have entered the online boom accessibility has become easier, and due to the stigma attached to mental health online boom has been a savior. Still, the unequal access surges between 75% to 95% of people with mental disorders in low- and middle-income states who are unable to access mental health services at all.

Being in a good, peaceful mental state directly reflects in our daily life and it also keeps us away from chronic illnesses. Not being in a good mental space affects our physical health by attracting illness, ruins our relationships, affects work, and overall turns life upside down and we all have understood it quite well during the lockdown phase.

You never know what someone is going through so be kind. We all have heard this phrase, but we already know what we are going through still are we being kind to ourselves first? This is the major question we should ask ourselves. If we aren't being good to ourselves, then how can we be good to someone else. True, no?

In these unequal and uncertain times, we should keep a track of our mental health by analyzing if we are, being nice to ourselves. Now, how to know if you are being nice to yourself. I hear you, below are some points to consider.

1. The way you talk to yourself when no one's around:

Are you saying things like "you can't do this", "you aren't capable of anything". If you are saving negative words to yourself then this is a big no-no. To know if what you're saying is negative just think will you ever say this to your loved ones? If the answer is no then, avoid using such terms with yourself.

2. Check the negative thought pattern:

When are you getting into the spiral of negative thoughts? Once you understand the pattern it will get easier to replace it with positive thoughts and create a feel-good memory list, whenever you feel low remember those memories to uplift your mood.

3. Toxic productivity:

Do you curse yourself for not being productive always? Are you constantly feeling guilty if you take a break? If yes, then you’re being toxic to yourself. I’m not at all against productivity, but it’s humanly not possible to be productive every single minute. Hence, pat your back for doing whatever you could do.

4. Keep a track of your mood and triggering things:

You can track your mood with just a simple pen and paper, or by apps such as moodly, or else you can download the free tracker which is attached here. Just Click Here. (Please make sure to make a copy before using it.)

For being good to ourselves there are certain things we can do.

1. Positive self-talk:

A mini session of positive self-talk while looking at yourself in the mirror will improve your mood and confidence immensely. It is preferable to do this mini positive self-talk session in the morning which can help you to set the right tone for your day.

2. Get enough sleep:

Sleep is an essential thing for overall good life. If you are not getting enough sleep, you may feel tired, annoyed and say harsh things to your dear ones. Constant

sleepiness will affect your work-life too.

3. Diet & Exercise:

Putting random junk in your body is harmful. Be mindful of what you are putting into your body, as it's not a dustbin to throw anything off. Have more fruits and veggies instead of sugar and processed foods. Also, constant inactivity will lead to poor physical as well as mental health. With just 10-15mins of walking, you may feel rejuvenated and work efficiently too.

4. Relaxation methods:

By deep breaths, meditation, and breathwork sessions, you may see a positive change in your life and you shall feel relaxed and peaceful.

5. Take a break:

Taking a break from routine, a simple walk in the garden, or doing social media detox can help you to relax and help you to be more productive. Going out if the situation permits can make you feel rejuvenated.

6. Self-care:

Taking a couple of minutes out of your busy day doing any activity that you enjoy like reading, painting, mandala art, singing, gratitude journaling, talk to your friends, once in a week take a social media detox, a warm bath or hair and face mask too can uplift your mood.

7. Seek help:

If you've tried your bit still it isn't helping then reaching out to your loved ones, talking to your loved ones can take away a lot of stress and make you feel calm. If not, talk to a professional. Mental health issues are similar to physical illnesses; it's always better to take professional help when required.

Love yourself, you are worth it.


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Meet you next week with another interesting blogpost

Until then,

Take Care,

With love, Abi

1 comentario

Miembro desconocido
08 oct 2021

This is so perfect 🥰

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