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Do you want to learn how to create a powerful vision board that will help you achieve your goals?

Are you just like my friend who thinks that creating a vision board is a waste of time and never works?

Or you are of the view that "oh, I don't need a vision board to manifest my dreams!"

Or perhaps you know what a vision board is, but you're unsure how to create one that manifests your dreams.

Or you don't know what a vision board is?

Continue reading if you fall into any of the above categories — I will help you make a vision board that is sustainable and achievable.

Let's learn how setting up a vision board can do wonders for achieving your goals in a stipulated time without feeling overwhelmed.

So, are you excited to know more about it?

What is a vision board?

A vision board or a dream board is a visual manifestation technique that helps you achieve your goals and dreams using a collage of images, photographs, affirmations, and quotes.

It can either be a physical or a digital board.

Have you ever seen a Pinterest board?

The Vision board looks very similar; however, this is not any fancy board with random colorful pictures but images that remind you of your goals every time you see it.

You can set a vision board to achieve your personal, professional, health, relationship, or financial goals.

Basically, anything you want or need in your life, you can start manifesting it using the visual images on your Vision Board.

Here is an example of a vision board

As you can see, a vision board is a dream board with things we want to achieve and goals we want to accomplish.

Now the above image is an example of a vision board, but let me get in depth of it so you can clearly see why the person has used all these images.

What is the purpose of a vision board?

Have you ever dreamed of living your dream life or set New Year Resolutions just to realize that they aren’t working for you?

You set a goal, for example - To Lose weight, you are very determined about the goal, you badly want to lose weight but you find yourself snoozing the alarm off every morning.

Or else, you feel bad for not working out a day, you feel so bad about yourself and be hard on yourself that you start binge eating junk food thinking you don’t deserve to lose some weight and become fit.

If not all the above, you must have at least done this, you set a goal and things go so well for a week or so, but then you get invited to a family function or a party. Now losing focus and having all those extra pieces of candy and food seems so normal during the event.

But later just because you missed one or two days of proper exercise and dieting, do you slowly slip into the trap of unhealthy habits again?

If this sounds like you, then make the vision board your best friend to start seeing positive results.

Before we jump into how a vision board will help you achieve your goals or how this technique works for many or even learning the right way to set your vision board, let's understand the benefits of a vision board and why you should even bother to create one for yourself.

1. Focus

Vision boards help you focus on your goals and aspirations and take action beyond casual thinking.

We as humans think a lot and act less as we like to live in our dream world (I agree the dream world is much happier than the real one).

But, if you want to live your dream, you need LASER-FOCUS to achieve it, and this is where vision boards come into the picture.

2. Get unstuck

In today's world, almost every individual is running a rat race to live a life of specific standards set for himself.

While all that is okay, have you ever wondered what is the one primary reason a person feels stuck in a hamster wheel and feels over-burdened?

It is because of losing touch with his creative side.

Stick that picture of one creative hobby you love the most and see how a vision board will naturally help you build it into your routine to feel unstuck from the mundaneness.

3. Visual reminder

Looking at the vision board every day helps you visualize what you want and acts as a reminder to take action toward achieving your goals.

Even though you may face a few setbacks, having a vision board in place will always give you an edge over others who quickly lose hope and stop working towards their goals.

4. Accountability partner

Trust me; there is no better accountability partner than your vision board.


The person you choose as your accountability partner may deal with several things and is unlikely to take care of your progress at all times.

On such gloomy days, just looking at your vision board will help you realize that you hold yourself accountable for working towards your dream life.

5. Pump up your passion

Seeing your vision board daily will help you connect deeply with your goals.

It can also guide you in identifying opportunities and boost the chances of your success.

If you are passionate and pumped up about something, it will motivate you to take action.

6. Boosts your happiness


Imagine yourself ticking off one of your dreams from your vision board.

How does it make you feel? Happy, right?

It not only makes you happy but boosts your confidence and determination in ticking off all your dreams on the vision board.

7. It helps set your intentions.

Your intention is the first step toward your success. Any goal you have will begin with an idea before you manifest it into reality, regardless of what it is.

Almost everything we use daily including computers, smartphones, and automobiles began as a single notion.

And after you've set an intention, you may bring your thoughts to fruition.

Using this idea, you can achieve the things you want and the person you want to become.

8. Allows reassessment

By analyzing your vision board, you can gain a lot of insight into yourself, your mind, and what you want in life.

The images and words on your board reflect your thoughts, so reconsider how they make you feel.

You may need to tweak it in a few months as your goals change, priorities shift, and new things enter your life.

The Vision Board is not static – you can update it whenever there is a need.

Do vision boards work?

Now that we have seen all the amazing benefits of using a vision board, let’s jump and see do vision boards even work.

If you think that vision boards are only a sham, then let me tell you, you are making a mistake.

Creating a vision board for yourself will not bring you success overnight. Still, it will work like magic in manifesting your dreams into a reality, provided you work in the right direction.

Let me tell you the story of Oprah Winfrey, the famous American host. She rose from poverty and became one of the world's most successful and wealthiest women.

She is a big fan of visualization and vision boards.

Oprah grew up in a challenging environment and frequently imagined herself having a better life. She kept repeating to herself, "My life will not be like this, my life will not be like this, it will be better!"

So, Yes! Yes! Yes! Vision boards work provided you believe in yourself, take active steps, and have the patience to see your dreams become a reality.

There is no one-step formula for success. There is no one-step formula for anything in this world, even to order food we have to go through some steps and follow the instructions.

We are talking about your dream life here, do you really think just by setting up a vision board one can achieve it? Then my friend you are wrong. If that’s the case most people would already be living their dream life achieving their goals.

It ain’t that easy, but it’s totally worth it! By following and using techniques like manifestation, time management, etc, we can reach greater heights.

So if you want to learn how to make a vision board do wonders for you, then keep on reading.

When do vision boards actually work?

If you think just pasting a picture of your favorite car or a dream home would be enough to manifest what you want. Then let me tell you, my dear friend, that your vision board will never work!

If you want a vision board that works like magic, you must put in your 100% effort and leave the rest to the Universe.

So, implement the below-mentioned secrets to make your vision board work like a charm every time you make one for yourself.

1. Quarterly goals

The first and most crucial step is to set short-term goals like quarterly goals. Setting up your vision board every three months will make it seem easier and achievable for you without burnout.

2. Reflect

Reflecting on your past helps you understand your achievements and failures, and it will help you understand your shortcomings and your strengths. This way, you will focus only on the goals you can achieve quickly.

3. Ask yourself

Ask yourself what you actually want from your life and make a list of it.

4. Instill belief

Rewire your subconscious mind to believe in your abilities and strengths so you can achieve success no matter what.

5. Roadmap

Carve a fool-proof roadmap for yourself to take step-by-step action in achieving your goals.

6. Be mindfully present

Always sulking over your past or worrying about your future will only ruin your present. This behavior will keep you from accepting your current situation and working towards your bright future.

7. Be thankful

Be grateful for whatever you have achieved till today. Trust me, appreciating and thanking the Universe for whatever you already have, will widen your horizons and give you countless opportunities to thank the Universe throughout your life.

How to make a vision board?

Now that you know all the benefits of vision boards, I hope you feel inspired to make one yourself.

Now, let's see what things we need to make a powerful vision board that can bring abundance to our life.

Materials you need to make a vision board

  1. Scissors

  2. Glue stick

  3. Markers (to highlight a quote or an affirmation)

  4. Pictures (Print them on a glossy paper to get the feel of it)

  5. Poster board or a wooden mesh board

  6. Colorful clips to hold the pictures

  7. Google (download the images from google that you wish to put on your vision board)

Now, you can search for images either on google or Pinterest. But, I prefer using "Unsplash" to download my vision board images.

Pro tip: Always choose images that speak to you.

For example, if you wish to put a picture that depicts travel, then try to put a picture of the particular place you wish to travel as it makes much more sense than any random travel picture.

And if you are someone like me who wants to travel but is not sure about the destination, then a picture of a backpack or a suitcase is ideal. It also gives the vibe that you want to travel, but at the same time, it is not very specific that it cannot be true.

Make sure to pick pictures that are relevant to your goal and that you can relate to.

The next step is to keep all the materials ready.

Then crop the pictures from the printouts to the desired size.

The next step is to keep all the materials ready.

Then crop the pictures from the printouts to the desired size.

And the last step is to assemble them all onto your vision board.

I personally like to make it look a little fancy by decorating it with colorful embellishments to give it a brighter look.

Feel free to decorate it the way you want!

But a very simple vision board still works wonder if your goals are aligned. You don’t need to make it look fancy, but feel free to customize it as per your desire.

If you want to see the exact process I follow to make my vision board, then click here!


  • A vision board, also known as a dream board, is a visual manifestation technique that uses a collage of images, photographs, affirmations, and quotes to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

  • The vision board's purpose is to help you get unstuck from mundaneness, instill confidence in yourself, and promote focus.

  • Not only that, but it also serves as an accountability partner by visually reminding you of your goals and pushing you to take the necessary action to achieve them.

  • Furthermore, it provides you with the clarity to reassess your timely goals while providing you with every possible opportunity to achieve your goals and boost your happiness.

  • The key here is to put in your 100% effort and trust the process.

  • Rest leave everything in the hands of the Universe to manifest your dreams.


Many globally know that manifestation using a vision board is scientifically proven and acknowledged.

Vision boards are magically effective when you create them by doing some mental exercise of self-reflection and emotion. It is a great motivator, helps you focus on your goals, and pushes you to work hard towards achieving them.

At the same time taking action is mandatory to accomplish your goals, or else your vision board will merely remain as an art piece hanging on the wall of your house.

If you follow the steps mentioned above, I guarantee you can manifest your dream life very soon.

"Whatever you believe about yourself on the inside
is what you will manifest outside."

Until Next Time,

Signing off,



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