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6 Morning Habits that ruin your day

Imagine waking up after hitting that snooze button for the 5th time and scrolling through social media. You will instantly feel like going back to bed again and just the thought of waking up and getting ready for your day is tiresome. You would wake up after seeing all those fake insta stories, believing that everyone’s day is just perfect and start cursing your fate. You would probably rush through your morning drink and have a not so balanced breakfast and rush to your work/college/home office.

Now imagine having a doable simple morning routine, which you can follow every day to stay productive. These habits or routines need not be complex or tough to follow. A simple habit of having your morning drink relaxed without any tension can be really helpful and effective too.

Now how did the second routine made you feel? I hope Relaxed and Productive.

That is exactly how you will feel when you have your morning routine in place. Now to have a productive and relaxed day, you should start inculcating some good habits your way. But before doing that, the most important step is to quit a few morning habits.

First without stopping the bad habits, one can’t start inculcating good habits. They are both inter-connected. So let’s dive into today’s topic to see the 6 morning habits that ruin your day and how to stop them.

1. Hitting the snooze button

The first habit that decides your day is how you react to your alarm. If you wake up immediately after the alarm you will most probably have a good day. If you are snoozing the alarm every time it goes on, then it means that you’re not ready to wake up and face the new day or you did not have a sound sleep.

If you sleep early, you can have good sleep and wake up early too. All you have to do is, try to stay away from any digital devices at least an hour before you sleep. Utilize this time to make your to-do list for the next day and read a physical book.

Here is a reason why you should never hit that snooze button again. When you hit the snooze button and sleep, you enter a sleep cycle which usually lasts up to 75 to 90 minutes. When you wake up between this sleep cycles your body enters a ‘Sleep Inertia’ state which is a psychological state of impaired cognitive performance.

In simple terms, you wake up within that sleep cycle or 75-90 minutes, your brain loses the ability to focus or handle any creative, cognitive tasks. It takes at least 4 hours to regain some cognitive abilities. That is the reason why you feel the need to have coffee as soon as you wake up to stay awake and concentrate.

So stop hitting that snooze button and try to have a sound sleep for 7-8 hours.

2. Scrolling through Social media

If you start scrolling through your social media apps as soon as you wake up, you end up getting depressed and anxious. Now that is not the right way to feel first thing in the morning isn’t it.

Watch ‘The Social Dilemma’ on Netflix to understand how these social media algorithms are designed to keep you hooked to their platforms. When you see those fancy stories and posts of people you start comparing your life with them and end up feeling sad. Now this is how your entire day would be.

I know most of us set our alarm in our mobile and when we off it, we start scrolling without us even realizing it. We end up wasting our precious time in addition to feeling anxious or depressed. Try to get a small alarm clock and set your alarm in it. That way, you cannot snooze the alarm and you don’t end up taking your mobile first thing in the morning.

3. Not making the Bed

I know that this is a very small task and you may also feel it’s irrelevant to the topic. But have you tried making your bed first thing after you wake up?

If you have, you would have realized how instantly this small task makes you feel motivated. By making your bed first thing in the morning, you have accomplished your first task of the day. This will motivate you and brighten your day. This will in turn help you to achieve all the others tasks that's waiting for you. A neat bed will also put us in good, relaxed state.

If you haven’t tried this yet, please try it and let me know how you felt about it either in the comments section or in my insta handle.

4. Not having a ‘Me-Time’

Enjoy that cup of coffee with no disturbances. You Deserve It.

With so many responsibilities, we forget to take time for ourselves every now and then. The best time to spend some time and enjoy yourselves would be at morning. While having your morning cup of hot tea/coffee, try to enjoy it alone without your phone or anything.

Just sit in your balcony or your room, feel the fresh breeze, live the moment and have your drink. This will instantly brighten your mood and make you feel happy.

5. Not planning your day the previous night

Waking up without any plans for the day is not advisable. You will end up doing random stuffs instead of focusing on the important task. If you start to plan in the morning, then you will be wasting your time that you could have spent on doing something productive.

So always try to plan your tasks beforehand so you know what exactly is going to happen. If you are too tired one night, then instead of making an elaborate plan, try to make a rough plan for the next day, so when you wake you have some idea of what you have to do.

6. Not eating nutritious breakfast

Most of us tend to wake up late and rush to office/college without having a proper meal. Your body has been fasting for a long period and you need to give all the necessary nutrients it needs first thing in the morning to feel energized throughout the day. Having a protein rich meal is a must. Try to have simple but healthy meals.

Most of us have not yet returned to office/college due to this lockdown and still we don’t have a proper breakfast. Planning your meal ahead will help you avoid all the confusions in the morning and you can prepare a healthy nutritious breakfast.

Note. Before you leave this page, remember these habits may seem tiny bad habits but they take a huge toll on your physical and mental health. Don't try to avoid all these habits at a single go. Always start slow and increase gradually. Start with one bad habit that you want to quit and try to make some small changes. Remember, Slow and steady wins the race.


I hope this post was helpful to you and I can't wait for you to stop these bad habits and have a better and a happy life.

Share your views in the comments section or you can also DM me on instagram.

See you next week with another interesting post.

Until then, Take Care,



Unknown member
Mar 01, 2021

Highly needed article !


Unknown member
Jan 23, 2021

Hey abinaya....It's such a useful article. Without breaking the bad habits we cannot form new good habits. Loved the article

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