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25 life lessons I learned in 25 years of my life

I celebrated my 25th birthday this November 07th and am so grateful to the life and people I have in my life. I have learned a lot through many experiences and thought of sharing a few with you all today. SO here it goes.

1. Faith shows a way in our darkest times

I have had so many bad experiences that tore my heart apart. I have been in complete shock not knowing what to do about my life and the situation. But through all those tough times, only thing kept me standing and moving forward was having faith in the almighty and in me. That faith serves like an oasis for a man who has been in the harsh desert for so long. Cling to that faith and climb up.

2. To live life by my terms

This is our life and it is our responsibility to make it count. I accept advices from my loved ones and people; analyze and do what works for me. If we start living to please everyone around us, one day we will realize that we haven’t even lived a day for ourselves and that is the last thing one should feel.

3. You cannot please everyone

No matter how hard we try, we will never be able to please everyone around us. One might always get offended of the choice we make and the way we live our life. We can’t change how they feel, but we can change how we react to it. Stop trying to please everyone around you, because in order to do that we must be good actors and not our true self.

4. I am responsible for my happiness

The moment I put my happiness in someone else’s hand, they’re going to make sure that they drop it and break it to pieces. Whatever we feel must be in our control and we must not be dependent on others to make us happy.

5. Constant communication with friends is important

As we become busy with our life, we don’t find time to be in touch with our friends. Our friends are the reason we were able to endure our school and college life with so much fun and so much memories. While we talk with them, we get a chance to relieve those memories and that would instantly cheer us up. Making time for friends in our life is non-negotiable.

6. Being grateful to even the smallest thing in life is necessary

Without gratitude there will not be any love or contentment in one’s life and we must all be grateful for the life we have. For example, even if we got a bus soon while traveling to office, or there was no traffic on the way, we can be grateful. This small change will bring in about a positive mindset in us and that will help us lead a much productive life.

7. If we love and protect our Nature it will return the favor a 1000 folds

Planting trees, acknowledging that this world is also for all the living things around us and acting accordingly is necessary. Love and protect nature, it will protect us in ways we can’t even imagine.

8. Reading books is a must have habit

One must have many habits and rituals to be the best version of them. Among many such habits, reading books hold the most important place. The benefits of reading books are so vast and it surely does change the life of a person who reads lot of books in their life. Reading books will help you have better perspectives in life and you will notice positive change in you.

9. One should be aware of what we eat

The food we eat has a huge impact on our physical and mental well-being. We should be conscious of the kind of food we eat and should stay away from junk and processed foods as much as possible.

10. Attitude matters

There may be many challenges, problems or difficulties in our life. We can choose to sit and worry about all those or can move forward by facing the challenges and start evolving. The way we act in any situation, our attitude matters a lot.

11. Positive thoughts and deeds are basic

I have realized that being positive in any situation changes the way we act on it and its result too. There is no use in seeing a negative trait to anything or anyone and feeling bad about it. I try to think and take one positive thing from each people I meet and know and avoid to see the negative side of them.

12. Not everyone will keep their promises; and it’s okay

Just because someone promised you something doesn’t guarantee you that they will keep their promises. Their situations will change and they will deviate from their words and its okay. There is anyway not much we can do about it. But lowering our expectations will surely help.

13. Your size, skin color and race don’t define who you really are

No matter what, there will always be people who are going to judge you by the way you look or the size you are in now. But that really should not affect us. The way they think about us has got nothing to do with who we really are just because it is not true. Never ever feel demotivated by others judgments about you. You are unique in your own way.

14. Not everyone understands what real friendship is

There will be so many people in our life and we think they are all our friends. But that is not the case. A true friend can be identified only in difficult times and we will be surprised by how many people we thought to be our friends didn’t even bother to turn around and ask us how we feel. And that is absolutely okay because not everyone we talk to are our friends.

15. Family is important

At teenage we often feel annoyed by our family and want to just get out of the house and stay happily with our friends. But trust me, when we are facing any trouble that is when we will be grateful to have a supportive family. Spend some time with your family and cherish every moment spent with them.

16. It’s okay to break any relationship with negative and toxic people

As I said earlier, we should only look for positives from any people. But there are also people who just spread so much of negativity in our life and we should be careful with them. We should just stay away from them because no matter what we do, they will just feed negativity into our life’s too. There will be that one colleague or a friend who just turns any moment to a negative one and always sees everything around them negatively. This is the warning sign and stay away from them. We don’t want any further negativity from anyone in our life.

17. It is absolutely okay to make mistakes

We often think that we should be perfect and be so hard on ourselves for making any mistake. What we forget is that we can only learn if we make mistakes. We must always look mistakes as a learning opportunity and try to grow.

18. What others say/think about you, don’t define you

There will always be people to demotivate us and pass comments on us. But what they think and feel about us should never affect who we are as a person. Take any such judgment and ask yourself if that is true. In most cases it won’t be. So just forget about them and live your life as you wish.

19. Respect everyone

Often people advise me to respect elders or so and so person. I disagree with that completely. As humans we should respect everyone and everything around us. Even if they are babies, we must respect them and treat them accordingly. One must also gain respect by their behavior.

20. Do not blindly trust anyone

As humans we desperately want to believe and trust anyone who speaks to us. But believe me, not everyone in this world has good intentions and we must never trust anyone without knowing them.

21. Listening is more important than speaking

Many of us can speak well. But can we really listen to what others have to say? Listening to others is more important than what or how we speak. That defines us who we are as a person.

22. Facing challenges is far better than staying in the comfort zone

We might have many goals and the immediate moment we take one step to achieve the first goal, there will be so many challenges and struggles coming our way. Instead of complaining we can change how we see and react to that situation. Just because we have a goal, doesn’t really mean we should never face any struggles. Without struggles and challenges the success would be so boring and wouldn't mean anything.

23. Never feel shy for working hard in your life

When we try hard to score better marks in test or when we work hard for any promotions, there will be people making fun of us calling us a nerd. We should never shy away for working hard and their comments should never affect us.

24. Taking breaks every now and then is non-negotiable

Over working and not giving time to ourselves will lead to burn out where we won’t be able to do anything for days. Working hard is important. It is equally important for us to take breaks at frequent intervals just so we can focus more on our work. It will also make sure we stay mentally and physically active and healthy.

25. Don’t be afraid to love yourself

By the term ‘Love’ we feel like someone else should love us. We have to love ourselves first, this is more important. No one can love us if we can’t love ourselves. Don’t ever be afraid to love and spend some time alone for yourself.


Hope my lessons helped you in some way.

See you guys next week with a new blogpost.

Until then,

Take care,



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